After watching the matrix I can see the metaphorical meaning the Wachowski brothers were implementing before they realized it was a blockbuster summer movie and loses all meaning. The matrix dealt with many issues but what impacts me the most it the debate between Agent Smith and Morpheus of illusions vs. reality. In the movie humanity lives in a world that has seen better days, a dystopian future where vegetation and water is limited. Humans are in a war against sentinel machines that want to take over the world. The machines use humans as harvest energy to keep the fight going and there is the matrix a simulated computer reality world where people are able to do anything they want. Throughout the movie Morpheus along with his puppet trainee Neo enter a constant battle against Agent Smith who wants to stop Morpheus achieving his goal in saving humanity from the dystopian future.
I can’t help but make a connection to Plato’s story “The Allegory of the Cave” in which Morpheus wants to help humanity out of the matrix or the illusionary virtual world and defeat the machines that inhabited the planet in order for the world to return back to it’s status quo. Agent Smith wants humanity to live in matrix or this illusionary dark cave since it can give everyone what they want. If given a choice I would side with agent smith for what the matrix for all is worth is their utopia. From my perspective in our country we take for granted with what’s around us and tend to ignore the rest of the worlds problems. Outside America you have countries that are suffering from famine, war, diseases, poverty, exploitation, etc. People from Cuba or North Korea would sell their souls to have the lives we have and never look back. Sure in our country everything is commercialized and our Government scares us to buy things that we really don’t need, but we still live in an illusionary world that brings us happiness. Agent Smith like the rest of humanity only wants to be happy in his own little world.
Morpheus is blinded by his idealistic righteousness in restoring the real world back to the way it was (1999 in the movie). In the Matrix as I stated before is a computerized machine that can simulate anything the user wants and needs. In the matrix the world is literally at your finger tips and you the individual can do anything you want to your hearts content. Inside the matrix there is no crime, wars, famine, diseases, murder, etc. Morpheus argues that the matrix is just a simulated experience and people are being lied too. If the majority of people are happy then what’s the harm being done? Of course they are being lied to but at the same time the matrix offers everything that people can want and still feel like it’s real. If humanity goes back into the real world what could they possibly do to rebuild civilization. Even if they succeed in rebuilding and repopulating what’s to stop society being controlled and destroy by someone else. Throughout history humanity has done more harm then good, by living in the matrix all the desire these people want can be met without bloodshed or violence. Everyone is equal and human nature doesn’t exist in any form inside of the matrix.
What is wrong living in illusion if the truth hurts more and brings humanity grief then good. As long as humanity continues to exist on this rock human nature will continue to take it’s course and eventually ends us all. I would rather live in a simulated world where all are needs and wants can be meet and achieve. Rather in reality where people can control, exploit, and destroy human lives for their own gain to achieve their goal.
Interesting points. I agree on the harm part, but there is a sense of violation in being lied to.